Friday, November 2


This blog has always had a mixture of the new and the old and this week it's more the new with a difference.
I have written a bit about comics and magazines from my original childhood that I read either as the person who bought or had them bought to me in addition to those as boys we shared with each other.
Football is and remains a common link between boys although it is 2018 and some girls play the game as do women in their own leagues but one good development this year has been the launch of a new monthly football magazine aimed at 7 to 12 year olds aka Juniors from the people who publish the adult soccer magazine When Saturday Comes (W.S.C).
The sampler came out in February's W.S.C (issue 372) and unlike many publications as the name suggests its not just about a few big Big Clubs but about participation in footballing from the park or street corner kickabout between friends to schoolboy/girl team play and the benefits physically and mentally of playing out of doors.

Thus you get obviously pictures and writing around club matches but also youth teams, news from wider world of soccer and features such as this months (Issue 6 November 2018) on football for people who like me have cerebral palsy, like we even have own teams today with slightly different rules to help us play.
It also encourages writing, art and geography by acting as means of encouraging interest  through interest in the game and has a few cartoons too.
While this isn't a classic 'boys own' publication it's good to see something that has much of the ethos of older publications such as Roy of the Rovers is being produced, marketed and sold in print for today's juniors that for people like me who do struggle with grown up texts also are a good read.
It makes a good substitute in my adult-child life.

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