Friday, June 11

Basil Brush and being the same boy

Much has happened since I started this blog, first started a tumblr, joined asb and gone through a number of remakes of the tumblr apart from deletions of which the most recent was in May for reasons I feel no need to go through publicly on here.

One thing I am no longer prepared to deny is I am a ten year old boy in an adult biologically aged body, that's to say I don't regress so much as I remain the boy I was very in the mindset and headspace of one which is at least a part of the reason I need in real life supervision and why even in my teenage years I was protected from other teens when it came to more 'grown up stuff '.

That was one reason why only one blog got remade for ten year old me and on terms appropriate to a boy and NOT a grown up when it comes to interactions.

I haven't been well this week which is something I've lived very much with  missing chunks of high school education to it so I've been in the sick bed thinking back to the things I loved back then of which one as the Cultural Icon of Boys of my era which is Basil Brush.

Few people appreciate Basil was actually designed by Peter Fermin, the man behind Small Films who gave us Pogles Wood, the Clangers, Bagpuss and whole Trumpton trilogy for an ITV series in 1963 before getting his very own show on BBC Tv in 1968.

That's a picture of him with the late Derek Fowlds which how I first encountered him in Junior School.
This is the tape version of the LP I had as a young boy of his first album of skits and monologues.

Tape was great medium for children being less fiddly to put on and play compared to records apart from lending itself to portable 'shoe box' tape players which we had so we could take it with us or ask a grown up to play on a in car tape player when we were travelling.

That was why EMI Records had a children's tape series of stories and songs we'd love at pocket money prices. 

Because this is Great Britain, anything big and especially for boys and girls had a yearly annual issued in time for Christmas and this applied to Basil with stories, pictures and things from the years tv show.

That was his that was in many boys Christmas stockings in 1973 ready for the new year
That is one of two of my remaining Basil Brush pin on badges, the bigger on from the 1970's with just a hint of metal staining on the rear.
This one is from around the same era but smaller that was pinned onto many a woolly sweater or coat at the time.

Many of us boys loved Basil for his wit, his cheeky interrupting ways getting away with things that often we didn't as much as we shared these impulses the MC of a entertainments show with singers and performers just for children although the grown ups liked watching it with us.

The years may of advanced but nothing has changed in my world that included him.

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