Friday, June 18

The evolving TSB Tumblr

While I'm a bit busy dealing with my stereo system latest addition, this week's topic is a place I spend a bit of time on.

On the re-established TSB we are going through some changes that will see it change by the years end and it begins with changing the URL to move away from some of the more negative sides of being a blog about being forever a schoolboy.

There's no nice way to put it but on Tumblr there appears to be a sizeable amount of gay men who see pictures of actual children even in the most youngest and most innocent play as sexual adding very racy, sexualizing commentary for their own enjoyment.

My issue isn't just that it's wrong and in many instances illegal, it is that they see my blog as in someway connected to them and regardless of form it's never been about that being more about being still that boy, always sfw and non kink/ non sexual so moving from one that  references schoolboy pasts is less likely to attract attention.

That attention itself causes issues even if you never initiated their interaction because understandably some of the communities I have more in common with also don't want those interactions either so apart from having a DNI (Do NOT interact) from the very first version I ever had, that has been spelt out on the description in brief form too from now on.

The other is I had been dropping off since last December vintage images of  just schoolboys, for two reasons, one is there's a finite amount of them that seem to go around in circles which I've seen before and secondly it seems to attract the people whose Interaction I don't want and need.

More to the point IF I need to post any in context such as talking about my own era of first childhood or similar, then I can do that better on my external blogs that I have more control over.

It's not worth the aggravation when it works against blogging and reblogging from groups I have more in common with whose content and support in the challenges of my life are altogether more important and of benefit.

There are places to talk with ASB's around bit of that and the broader overarching theme of Age Dysphoria as it applies to my life is something I can talk about on the external blogs and how that all ties in.

In the TSB 2 I had before May's events we had moved over more to a past lives and natural history theme and the restructured TSB is following that way not at least for now formally a Age Regression community blog in the way That Smol Boy (aka foreverinthepast10) is even though I'm age dysphoric following their rules but a lot closer to that.

What was possible in the past, not least pre December 2018 and how that moved me on was lost last year with much of that being preserved on the my middles life external blog as a record of that time.

Moving on being the eternal boy me and what he needs is really what the focus of the TSB tumblr will be about.

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