Friday, December 7

Socks and some...

In what has been in many ways a messy week emotional for for reason's I'll go into later slowly we are moving toward Christmas  and that brings in things you do with family, the small matter of anything you may be having and in this age, your online availability.

Seeing we are definitely into Winter seasonally although temperatures have been above the seasonal norm for a number of days as I've been out in my shorts most times and indeed it has to be said finally a pair of cargo shorts developed an irreparable hole that would show a tiny part of ones underwear so had to replaced by a blue pair, keeping warm matters.
Enter these long socks, not quite traditional that by accident turned out to be navy but hey they do match those shorts if not my regular grey ones.
They are relatively thick with a hint of lycra to hold them up no matter how vigorous you may walk without the use of traditional green edged garters most of us can recall from junior school or cubs and do appear to do what they should.
While I suspect tradition may play out when it comes to what I get for Christmas when it comes to 'stocking fillers', these will do very nicely in the meantime for use with those navy blue shorts. 


As we all know new Terms of service to come into effect December 17 being announced on Monday December 3rd which heralds the end of hosting *any* nsfw/adult material which of itself shouldn't concern most of us as asbs.
What is of concern is starting from December 3rd though they have brought in heavy-handed automated flagging by computer algorithm any images and tags associated with such material.
I would suggest as a minimum do NOT tag with anything with the word/ phrase "adult" in it as in adult schoolboy as no doubt they'll see that as nsfw/sexual and if you *need* to use other words/tags that may be an issue such as 'boy' replace one character by a figure or symbol.
If you have a flagged post, you have two options - delete or have it reviewed.
If the post is of little consequence it may be easier to just delete it and be done as it is already flagging stuff up regularly that's so wrong-headed you couldn't make it up like my Pink Panther image and yes The Moomins.

Concerning my tumblrs here is the lowdown in their status in the Tumblrsphere.

Traditional Schoolboy - one post in review being flagged and totally sfw. Not marked as explicit by Tumblr OR me.

Traditional Schoolboy2 - as you know I remade that the original having been removed by Tumblr.
Two posts flagged - the infamous Post 100 which I deleted and republished and a Pink Panther still from the opening which I'm having reviewed.It appears to have been unflagged but still no email.
Tumblr has for some reason marked that Tumblr as sensitive content which makes no sense so am appealing it. 
If that tumblr got axed around December 17, I would not be surprised in the slightest and won't be remaking it.

Chris_minor01 - Few of you know about it it's a very much a boy age regression themed one that I hope to take into a mainstream age regression community on tumblr.
I will not be accepting anything or anyone Kink on it and for avoidance of doubt this includes "sissies, "forced feminization"" or anyone with "sissy posts" or other material with a sexual agenda.
The same pink panther still image got flagged and was reviewed and approved.
This isn't marked up by me or Tumblr as explicit.
Should TSB2 get deactivated, I will transfer over some of themed sets of posts from that

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