Wednesday, December 12

New-old boyhood

Tumblr is a funny place where the future of TSB2 post tumblr changes remains to be seen but this innocuous image got flagged that was part of a post so with that I'll post a chunk of what I intended here instead.
A lot of good has happened to me this year even if one place isn't with us and another has an issue with our name to the point I have made some plans one of which is I having a purely age regression with uniform tumblr that IS pointed toward a specific age regression community and because of, I won't be having followers from any sort of kink on it just age regressors and those who like to wear uniform in a non-sexual way.
So If you don't meet that then you'll be removed because that increases the likely of inappropriate interaction when I'm just being a boy all over again AND is incompatible with my belonging to that group. Sammy's always welcome :)

On November 9th I posted a bit about my Cub Scout Badges and what they mean to me.
Here are a couple more, the Sixer Badge for the older boy helping and keeping an eye on his six so everyone's okay and a Challenge badge as well as a Community one all of which would of been awardable back then.
I had the traits and temperament being in what in modern parlance you'd call a Playground Buddy at junior school back then and have in years shown what would be required to have got the challenge and community badges as someone who has played a important part in the community by direct involvement and leadership.

Something else is actually after meeting an adult who was involved my life then and since, I remembered seventeen of year 3/4 juniors who all left for high school the same year by full name being able to visualize how they looked back then including the pack of boys I belong to.
One thought transpired afterward: I had had achieved despite considerable obstacles a stake in the role in the community comparable to my peers, the one my headmaster saw I had the potential for.

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