Friday, December 14

Wrapping and tidying up

Image credits: Grey Shorts
It may sound incredulous but it's the second week of December and I'm still going outside in my shorts and long socks with just a decent coat over me which is quite something because for a long period I used to get very ill over the winter not being able spend time out of doors, having to be wrapped up.
I think a lot of this is down to making more of a point of eating better less starchy food, taking more regular exercise everyday except in the most inclement of conditions and cultivating a hardier tougher body more befitting of boy like me.
In my youth Christmas cards were a big thing and still are so while much of what I touch wood should be having is taken care in the hands of Mr. Claus, I do have my cards to do before the cut off date for posting them.
I have done a bit of tidying up on my Tumblr one involves changing its URL which is fine for followers as you'll be automatically changed over but for anyone that isn't, a updated link is on my about page and my Uniformed Regression tapatape site.
As well, I have trimmed the odd entry because of Tumblrs messy A.I based flagging system for (potentially) nsfw content and also as they seem trigger happy over sensitive content setting a low bar over things that were just part of our childhoods as regular accepted things. They tend to suffer from a "The past you wish to depict must fit our idea of present accepted behaviour" complex unable to accept the past is what it is.
It seems some things may have to kept for here so I'll put the odd post in over Christmas I think for you to look for.

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