Friday, February 8

Freedom and keeping your Tumblr

It's been a windy wet kind of a day here as I've been typing up today's blog entry after something of a busy week here.
I prefer not to talk about things at various social media sites but with the removal of Sammy Going South's and Shortsfortheboy accounts although both have resurfaced there are a number of things I do feel like saying.
The first is it is not the first time a popular adult school boy tumblr has been just removed with no warnings with BennyBens and even my own TSB2 (Mk1) which is odd as at least in the past for stuff about copyright whatever you might think of it, you did get warnings first for the most part.
The second is none of these accounts could remotely described as pedophilia based being non sexual or hosting "adult content" by the everyday definition being around past childhoods, specifically boyhoods, our own school days and uniforms.
To the extent some of us may *wear* such uniforms, not one ever did so in anything other context than a being that child back in time with same rules and levels of content appropriateness that would apply to an actual child.
That's to say in simple terms it's not a sexual fetish, more a revisiting of childhood pasts in uniform which I might add in my grey jumper and shorts I am now typing this out next to my plushie.
It does appear some on tumblr DO take exception for some of us who do express personal points of view such as for instance, openly supporting boys wearing shorts at school, disagreeing with much of Tumblrs  belief that 75 and rising number of genders even though I personally know senior hospital consultants who say it just isn't remotely true or take issue with the generally left wing political tone of Tumblr's social activists.
It's in the nature of things for people to have opinions on things, sometimes strong ones such my own stance on "sissification" but, you know, everybody has the right to have one and for all to be respected not thrown under the bus just cos they're not "on trend" ones and some of us may be unapologetically traditional.
If anyone is to use British slang "Dobbing" any one in, please cut it out, thanks.

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