Friday, February 1

Snow expedition

Winter pretty much arrived on Tuesday so I went out Wednesday trudging on foot to observe and experience it as that cub scout in spirit.
It was a little thick in  places even though we are quite a bit below the highest points just a few miles above us so I had to walk carefully avoiding dragging my feet and back in to the wood we visited before, it was little different.
You can get a sense of how the snow fell by looking at how it took to the tree getting the one in the foreground.
This interestingly shaped twig takes on a fresh look in the snow reminding one of wriggling worms
The scene is set out with the dead branch looking like a slain animal on a bed of snow in the silent winter. 
I spent time making and throwing snowballs in the wood enjoying the winter as the inner child in me needed and indeed wanted, to playing as indeed I had seen bio-kids doing only a half hour before on their way to school and play group.

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