Friday, April 12

Reflections on a year on Tumblr

Apart from the regular post on Friday concerning a tv program I grew up with and still love this week has been one of a number of milestones such as the 300th post on That Traditional Schoolboy 2 and also the 2,000 post on That Traditional Schoolboy tumblrs that came after this blog was started.
Actually, if you were to cast your mind back to April 12th 2018, you would realize exactly a year has gone by since the creation of That Traditional Schoolboy on Tumblr to which a anniversary post on their was made.
There were a number of reasons why despite having next to nothing to do with social media since being on Friends Reunited the British former school and college centred site in 2005 I decided after lurking to make that Tumblr.
The first reason was I had a need to interact with others of the adult little boy/adult school boy variety in an environment that wasn't littered with 'adult' kink such as bdsm about and concerning past childhoods, boyhood and why some some of us who are legally adults live our lives very much as a boy would including wearing uniforms.
Try talking about that in the workplace.
For some strange reason there appears to be very few places where we congregate free from anything sexual or kink, from time to time the odd form may be hosted and go - an example of which is which was up for a period shortly after arriving on Tumblr that did use - but now isn't.
Tumblr remains the one spot where there is a community as imperfect as it is with accounts just going without warning, the issues from the attempt to enforce the  'no adult content' policy that frustrate us and so on and so it made sense to join.
The other reason was to help me deal with some past issues around how I was treated, how that left me feeling about myself and the sense in which I was a boy which bringing back those days, talking about them and talking one to one with other boys that helped recovering that sense of all male kinship and bonding, feeling good in myself.
It's hard to put it into words but there's a very definite improvement in my own self confidence that's come from standing up for and acting on my inner masculine sense of self.  
Looking back on it, that decision to rejoin the world of social media not without its challenges has helped me a lot and going forward whatever may ultimately happen with Tumblr I see myself standing up for myself in the the company of other adult little boys/asbs.Here's to the next year!

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