Friday, April 19

The rights of boys

In a week that marked a number of milestones around my Tumblrs, my thoughts moved toward the so-called 'culture' and 'gender' wars that currently are ranging from battles over terms, de-gendering spaces and affirmative actions such as all female shortlists and the "me too" agenda.
My response to this was to publish the following on Tumblr:

The right to be addressed as him/he/himself and all other masculine pronouns

The right to have his gender affirmed, being referred to unambiguously as a Boy

The right to single gender spaces including boys only lavatories 

The right to wear shorts, longs or a kilt at school and at work.

The right to adult Male input thoughout his life including spending time just with men and other boys in male only activities together to help him grow.

The right not to be discriminated against in any programs and employment opportunities, being assessed purely on his abilities compared to others for the task and nothing else.

One reason why I posted this was less than fifteen years ago none of this would of been questioned at all and yet today influential people on social media, people in positions of authority and so on are so keen to appear inclusive to others that they remove to the needs and rights of boys removing any and all reference to our gender and from that any needs we have.

There is evidence good male candidates are being rejected for posts  in favour of lesser female or BME candidates to meet diversity targets rather than appoint the best man or woman to the post.

There is clear cut evidence of differences in learning style, of different strengths and weakness and even some vulnerabilities boys face growing up and the best way to help females (quitting pointless gender wars too) is to help boys become the best they can be and and in time an asset to the wider community and family.

We do that by accepting we as boys (and men) ARE a gender, meeting those needs head on and supporting the rights of boys and men to be their male selves, valuing their masculinity.

Meanwhile away from something that needed to be said it is that time of the year where I'll be on the nom, eating my Easter Egg.

*Happy Easter everyone*

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