Friday, August 2

Things from the past

Rolling back the years isn't all this blog is about, far from it which is why I love making it but the past does roll into the present which anyone who has read "Scouting and Me" will understand.
I can remember the Silver Jubilee quite well as we had commemorations and thanksgiving events for Our Queen at boarding school where we all had a personal anniversary Mug and Andy and I would of had the commemorative edition stamps as we collected them. 

Mine is in a glass front cupboard.

What was know as Computer Studies before it became ICT was starting to creep into our education even if machines were thin on the ground with just Sinclair X81's and the BBC B  being about.
I had a EGA Genie until in 1985 I got a Commodore 64 with all the extra stuff like tape drives and that had a knock on effect, one of which was the Computer Proficiency coming in for Cub Scouts
Although I am Dyslexic, actually I did learn to read and use maps which you might recall were in the CSE and GCE O level Geography syllabus as I did actually pass my O levels.
We did also have some instruction on personal safety although in hindsight there was very little "life skills" formally taught.
The thing is all those skills and abilities didn't just stop after taking my O Levels, they continue to be useful such as while being away for part of the last week where map reading enabled me to go out exploring when I took this picture on my Nikon camera and computer skills helped in getting me to base camp.

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