Friday, August 9

Nature and me

Something I do love is nature which probably had something to do with me growing up in the countryside a stones from a diary farm in which district I wrote about November last on here as a young boy.
Before I was away, as is my usual want I did take a number of pictures using my Nikon camera where what I wanted to photograph came very much into view.
One of the things I love about being here is while parts are built up we do have open spaces within that area such as a smallholding used for grazing by various people so we often see various animals such as lambs, ponies and horses.
Indeed many is the time I have seen horses being driven on our estate roads even by people and no one bats an eyelid.
That same interest propelled me while away (see more on Scouting & me) where these delicate species were spotted fully grown in the many layers as I was exploring in my uniform.
Sometimes I sound like a stuck record but for me the past and the present do link into each other, that's to say I explore my boyhood past and explore the present through the same eyes and mindset as that boy with same sense of wonderment and amazement.
It's really what makes this blog different neither nostalgic nor routed in present centredness.

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