Friday, September 20

A boyish week

As some may be aware there's an awful lot of political discourse going on at the moment and I've said about as much as I feel like saying on that on Tumblr but the practical upshot is I need to switch off from it
One thing I did decide to do during the week was to get my Lego out and play with it making things that just came into my mind rather than following an set designs.
An advantage of sorts with such an approach is I need to think as I am going along about the pieces I need from what I have what bits I have, tweaking the design as I go along which helps with my thinking skills.

On thing I made was this simple one room shed-house that took me about an hour and a quarter from start to finish that was fun to make.

I also played some Beach Boys records I had talking to a few people I know about them as their music was a part of the background I had growing up. There's a up to date list of them on here but as you all know I don't do long reviews and that.

Another thing I did was read these two compilations of classic 1950's and 60's Roy of the Rovers cartoon strips that originally were issued in the Tiger comic where our here gets to join Melchester Rovers and battles for promotion as well as clashes with egotistical playsers abound.

I came to Roy of the Rovers in the 70's but by then much of the backdrop had been established so reading this brought them to life being very much the kind of boys comic I loved even if you were wobbly footed on the pitch.

Finally I had my hair - I do have hair don'tcha know - put in a crew cut as not much had happened with stylistically for years and I felt a more traditional boys cut was something I'd feel more  comfortable in.
I feel this more is me now when I'm walking or kickin' a ball about.

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