Friday, October 25

Milestones and issues

This week two of my Tumblrs have celebrated 2,600 and 1,400 entries respectively which is interest as both came about after this blog was conceived and created as a place to share interests and concerns as well as obviously to share links to this blog with as in general it has less constraints around what the host considers acceptable.
This despite attempts by me and others to establish other places to do just that remains so rather like although many do moan about Facebook few seem prepared to jump from its orbit.
One thing that comes up and is likely to with events unfolding here is discussion around politics with a small and big 'P' and attitudes around identity and gender politics and male rights.

I generally avoid any sort of Party Politics having voted for all the main English parties because not unlike a certain other person I have seen positions change radically in recent years so that what might of seemed "radical politics" a few years back is in the mainstream of the Labour and Liberal Democratic parties and even elements of Conservative policy aren't things I can agree with.

To me it is more to do with the attitude that doesn't stand up believing your country accepting such faults that may exist, perpetually wishing it was as  a part of another, following different norms even if it isn't what most people want to change.
It's an attitude that thinks defending it isn't a priority or even the priority, that would sooner surrender to China, Russia or whoever than countenance defence even if no one in the right mind would ever willing choose war. War happens when politics and diplomacy fail to resolve differences while standing up for your own country. Nobody wants it but it is necessary sometimes.

It's also an attitude that buys into such notions that the narrow interest of women should come over above all especially the child-less, that would cause all overtime to stop lest it 'discriminate' against working women in careers with children, that pushes for typically two times salary to be taken from tax payers to fund child care meaning we are paying more to employ people than they are earning.

It's an attitude encourages the marginalization of males by favouring women and ethnic minorities by quotas and "positive discrimination" rather than selection on the basis of skills, qualities and abilities where men are turned down for...being men.
It's a set of attitudes that encourages women to give birth with no consideration to the many advantages of having a father around activity engaged in his children's life and playing a vital part in raising boys because feminist theory doesn't believe in gender playing any part even though studies clearly show boys thrive with the support of men in their lives.

The same theory denies the differences in boys needs, interests, strengths and weakness as much as we accept individual variance and why that should be addressed by parents, teachers and educators who instead prefer to prioritize girls learning and then regard Boys as being a problem. The wellbeing of every child matters meeting each child's own unique needs.

It's almost article of faith in liberal circles that gender and sex are the same and believing that the gender you feel regardless of any physical changes trumps the rights of those of that actual sex to the point that Tampax cannot be sold "for Women" as transgenders and NonBinaries would be excluded even if actually they do not menstruate and so they lobbied to change it and a transgender person without any so-called corrective surgery   can demand to use spaces such as toilets, swimming pool facilities and single sex camps even if they still have 'male bits'.
Five years ago even saying why this wasn't acceptable would not be considered necessary today it'll get your facebook and tumblr shut down as they're so pro this and tossed out of meetings run by liberals.
It's kind of obvious like in the Nude they look...male and the reverse for those women who think they're male the same and none of us truthfully can say we'd feel comfortable in those situations especially when it involves children. 

So as you can they're not party political things just traits in society I find objectionable.

1 comment:

  1. I was never political, until the Left: Liberals, progressives, Democrats. Labour, Lib-Dems, etc, began their war on boys and men.
