Friday, October 25

Respect and a tribute to "H"

Sometimes life at least on Tumblr can seem odd but on a sadly deactivated account there  belonging to "H" aka "olderboyshortshorts" there were a few pictures by  him that actually did touch me .
They were from a actual boy who I inferred went to school where longs ruled and for whatever was looking at wearing shorts instead which is something I can understand as in my era I felt the same way, sometimes getting my way for trips out and the like.

He looks great in them judging by his pictures although I'm not so keen on sports socks  but hey having played the hide your stuff bit myself when I resumed wearing shorts and that around his age you use what you can.

What upset me and may of caused his first deactivation was how a person responded sexually toward him - a child- which isn't just inappropriate but against the law to wholly innocuous posts by him.
There appears to be a number of gay males who want sexual contact and relations on Tumblr with minors as a matter of course.

Our ASB/ALB world is NOT about any or all of this, he should of felt safe on Tumblr talking about how he wanted to present and he wasn't.  

He was a boy who I felt proud of.


  1. I was glad to see "olderboyshortshorts" get removed by the TumblrNazis. There was absolutely NOTHING about his blog that could be construed as being improper. I hope he comes back.

  2. Another deactivated Tumblr blog a bit like "Traditional Outfitters", it was one of the longest blogs going back as far as 2014.

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