Friday, November 1

Getting that cubby feeling 2019

After last weeks double post lead as this blog always is by real life events and emotions we move on to the Spirit of the Wolf Cub out in the Fall because simply it's a massive part of me to the point there's a separate blog around the whole topic.

Part of the origins of this blog is photography, many of the early entries are connected with it and this is a most colourful time of year so these crisp leaves with wild berries were one thing that caught my eye.
Trees make interesting structures although as here because the woodland is adjacent to a electricity sub-station the branches needed trimming, they still make for an imposing sight, something I do like about this area.

The playing fields is my haunt for other reasons, like play been know to kick a ball about but surrounding it are trees and this in streaming sunlight was one I liked one morning as I was out in my footie gear.

Very close to home literally these berries are most attractive.

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