Friday, November 8


There are two things that closely follow each other this month, one that just past us is of course Guy Fawkes Night which was connected to where I was last weekend and the other being the Armistice and Remembrance Sunday  commemorations.
One thing I can say is there has been hardly a year that at any age I did not attend remembrance sunday events either as a child or later on wearing my "Grown Up" hat I took part in the service and paraded with the Scouts and Brownies before laying a wreath  at the cenotaph as a Council chairman or otherwise appointed to represent it within this community.
You see war played a major part in my family, losing relatives, others suffering injuries both physical and mental so these things are not just dates from 'history' nor places because what people did was something that was talked about.
Moreover in this community people know how not just the two World Wars but other conflicts impacted on whole families so you feel, I certainly when attending in official capacities know it my responsibility to think about what happened and to pay my respects.
Nobody, not least anyone who has served wants War but sometimes it is the only way to preserve our liberty and way of life as Country and peoples.     
That's what matters about this weekend.
Please think about it, thanks.

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