Friday, November 15

Cool week and indoor stuff I do

In a week where it has been both cooler and very wet as the people of South Yorkshire and the East Midlands sadly can tell you about experiencing major problems with flooding, none the less I have been out and about for a good hour or so a day in the open air with temperatures at 2 degrees C in my shorts and pull up grey socks with just one of decent jackets on and a bobble hat to keep my head warm.
I'm no sissy!
It's also been one where  apart from reading Kick which arrived  late last Thursday, the monthly boys footie magazine and keeping up with the mighty Wolves, I've also been reading the latest Roy of the Rovers fictional offering where Roy is on tour with the team but things don't seem quite right within the club.
One thing I do but don't talk much about on the blog is record things such as interviews, performances off the radio and the odd commercial recording.

I find it less faff when I want to have a permanent physical copy of something as while Sounds, the BBC radio app is okay, stuff is on their for a limited time plus it requires a connection online.
There's been a few attempts to made radios that put programs on things like USB sticks and SD Cards but they never really took off and the quality (thanks to the 'bit rates') was no where near as good as tape.
The other thing with digital files is you're always backing them up hoping they don't fail before the next one whereas I have tapes over thirty years old that playback just fine.
Find me hard drive or usb stick that has lasted that long? 


  1. Hi- I didn't know you lived in Yorkshire. I was in Hull for a month, this past Summer, and I'm going back for a week in December.

  2. I'm resident in the county of Staffordshire, parts of which are close to Derby and the Peak District, Edward. We've had rain and some flooding issues too.
