Friday, November 22

Jennings follows a clue

This week I am returning to second in a series of books I read at boarding school as a young boy which really connected with me the and indeed even now as that adult little boy.
The second story in this series came out in 1951 where Jennings feels inspired to take up the career as a detective with Darbishire as his assistant, trouble needless to say is just around the corner.
The two boys firstly detect the lights being on in the sanitarium when nobody is supposed to be in there which is the catalyst for them investigating it and the laundry room before noticing the school sports cups, to which competitions are to be held soon have disappeared!
Jennings and Darbishire see a man they believe to be a piano tuner leave the building with them and follow him, breaking school rules into the village going into a silvermith and jewellers oblivious to this being his occupation and that he was to engrave them for the school by permission!
In the meantime all this detective stuff is becoming something of a distraction  not just to Jennings and Darbishire but within their form leading to a number of mishaps not least being caught having defaced a textbook and not paying proper attention in class which results, as it did for many of our generation, in a lecture and a caning from the Head.
While exploring the sanitarium they get caught by a mysterious person who locks them in a room and after escaping, investigate laundry as they lose a clue to only end up being driven  away as the school sports is taking place. In the end they found out who really stole the cups in time for presenting them.
To me these two boys sum up just how boyhood was at the time as we often made more of things than perhaps we should of and got carried away with it!
The story remains an absolute riot.
One thing that I do have to say is like many of books I read at the time, it could only exist ina pre-internet and smartphone world.
My own much treasured edition is the 1967 Collins hardback which keeps this dust jacket which captures the feel of the boys at prep school well with their uniforms.

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