Friday, November 29

Almost Advent edition

Hello there!
It's been a bit of damp week here so I wasn't able to be out at all Monday so it was a day to finish off reading my Roy Of The Rovers book and I did record a couple of albums off to play whenever I wish on my portable cassette player which has a built in Radio with an old school dial for listening to TalkSport and Radio Four's spoken word programs or classical music on Radio 3 in stereo using a pair of headphones.
A couple of years back I wasn't in the best of places but something about him really connected with me, taking me back to when I was his age and that time after enrolling myself in the short lived site exploring my own past I started to feel I understood me, what kind of boy I was.
I started to recover with help and support from other ASB's, directing my boyishness and learning to disconnect from what had been so ailing me finding I really felt good  about being me - an adult little boy.
One strange problem I get is being more an actual boys size the sorts of shops that sell this type of traditional school wear don't necessarily stock things in more actual child sizes but I manage to get recently a pair of grey long pull over top socks with blue bands very close to what had in in effect been my muse during this period.

Polesden Lacey, a beautiful Edwardian house and estate was a place I visited when I was at a residential college in North Surrey, England around the period I had my walkman and I was exploring age regression except I didn't have the words for it at the time.
It is located on the North Downs in Surrey England. The estate has grounds of 1,400 acres including a beautiful walled rose garden, a path with flower beds on both sides, landscape walks and an ancient woodland. It is one of the most popular properties owned by the National Trust. 

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