Friday, April 17

Second Anniversary post extras

Last weeks post was mainly written before the events of Thursday late afternoon UK time except for a hastily altered paragraph which saw my entire family of three Tumbr accounts terminated which naturally included The Traditional Schoolboy whose anniversary was of course the very subject.

I will address the future of that on here by saying that Tumblr will continue on the Wordpress back up blogs I established for them in the light of the December 2018 changes because every change for the better came from them, they are the record of that and by working through new entries with more text to which links will be posted weekly it can continue.

The other big advantage of that and will also apply with (the)Traditional Schoolboy2 and the Scouting blog (link on a tab here) is the content is less likely to be removed because outside of a few reblogs straight to Tumblr I'll be using it to promote these external blogs rather than making the posts on it.

At some point I'll insert links for the WordpressTSB and TSB2 on this blog to improve navigation.

I received at various place some comments so I'll also address them on what is the 200th post here of which the first is the frankness and honesty of my account of the ALB/ASB side of my life.

I write very much from within, even within the confines of Tumblr I do inject an element of that to posts and reblogs because to me communication stems from having something to say that might appeal to others.

This blog and Scouting & Me are personal even when I am talking about things, places and happenings because they express how I feel about them, any connectedness to my own life past and present.
I don't deposit a topic and run. 

The second is that for me as I explained (and got some plaudits for saying) at for some of us it is that this life is the place where for some of us who have trauma, who experience developmental disabilities that in many respects leads to us in real life being very much child-like in our thoughts, likes and actions apart from an upbringing through physical disabilities feel like our natural selves.

In a very real sense for some of us we are walking, talking boys of adult ages who do struggle with being expected to be fully adult which isn't like role playing say a schoolboy for a fixed period however great and maybe in its own way needed for you but for us being an adult little boy is a permanent thing.

As a person who I won't mention their name put it,to put on a school uniform and be with a person who let him let out fully the boy that he is all the time, knowing he will be cared for as that boy, is.

He feels, I'll be honest and say I also feel a freedom from trying to act and not very well like an adult you lack the skill set of so for us to walk about in uniform as ourselves.
For me that is the life, the odd adjustment as needed is I need and am living.

Another blog pointed out the connection between things such as books, comic and music and how they transport us to the times and emotions of the past which is why on a few occasions I'll write a little about them on here.

It's also the case that they may also figure as presents as they did in boyhood and so I'll write in the present context about them.

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