Friday, May 29

Exploring out during exercise time pt.2

You may recall in early April we went back a bit to one of the core bits of this blogs history with some photography undertaken during lockdown and this is the continuation of it.
Beginning where we left off, the farmhouse grow a lovely cherry blossom during early May which added much colour and really cheered me up.
Other things also sprouted up perhaps aided by the much cleaner air, the only positive of this current emergency providing just what the insect life needed too.
Tying in more with Scouting, I explored a public right of way across a field I'd never been down before to be greeted with such great sights. 

In these last few days the views towards the ridges of North Staffordshire have been stunning and being able to talk at distance with people to enjoying it has been great.

Isolation has been the big negative of this time.
Crops need tending as these are as I actually saw the guy doing it from a distance even in these crazy times and not long after the garden centres reopened, something that was universally popular here as many of us love gardens as my late grandad did.

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