Friday, June 5

More uniform and stuff

It's Friday, it's cooling down so we'll get on to this.
You might remember the grey shirt from that portion of your life we have fond memories of even if for some strange reason my high school didn't do grey thus most of mine today cos I live this life full time were white.

Some academies too seem to have an issue with grey, mind you sometimes you look at their uniforms and think it's more upscale business wear than anything really for children in school too.

That tends to mean bigger collar sizes in grey aren't always stocked by the usual online uniform stores but I found one in the Black Country, here in the Midlands that did and so did get a couple.

Most of my original school shirts were Banner, often brought from Markets in Newcastle Under Lyme and the Potteries and were good, fitting well.
I did pick up an new tie.

Ties are an issue with me as I don't have the dexterity and co-ordination to fasten them so while I agree with the more traditionally minded, reality is unless you going add tie fastening to shoe lace fastening as something you're going to do for me, like with them they have to fasten differently.

That's why it's a clip on, so I can put it on even if that remains difficult so I can be more independant.
That too came from an establishment that sells school wear.
Pix credit Albert Pendergrast

Albert Prendergast just got in stock these UK made grey jumpers with red, white and black trim and turn over cuffs.

So soon no sooner that I'd see the email announcing their arrival, one was promptly ordered and paid for.

I know you can get others and they are not bad value for money but for one thing the styling on some is a crossover between a jumper and a sweatshirt and for another they tend to be synthetics not wool.

These are very good quality and like much of the sector I can remember what I paid in the early 80's for similar UK made jerseys which when you take into account inflation these are close to.

In reality, in the passing decades generic uniform has been driven down for understandable reasons around inclusiveness for the least well off, to becoming less well made and this shows in materials and being made in countries with poor labour conditions.

They may be cheap but they aren't as well finished and don't last as long.

Final thought. On Monday I had reason to meet up with relatives and family friends and I was in toned down schoolboy attire not a million miles removed from how I would of presented back then in grey shirt, tie, grey shorts and a pair of proper turn over top grey socks from A.P

I felt good to be me on what was a sad occasion, that good that I was able to engage in a good twenty minutes of conversation looking very smart with cousins without being me and presenting as such being an issue.

Part of that comes to wearing well made and fitting clothes that having nothing to explain you feel confident and so you just join in.

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