Friday, June 12

Roy of the Rovers: The Best of the 70's - The Tiger Years pt.1

This week has been in many respects a turbulent one although I generally don't do politics on this blog those who know me understand my thoughts around certain matters but as that goes I'm going back to the present.
Seasoned followers of this blog will know soccer (aka Association Football) is a big thing with me being what we played on the streets, during break times and for boys games at school.

Face it, if back then you didn't do soccer then your options for socializing with other boys were going to be diminished so we all did including disabled me who learned his lessons on getting along with picking himself up from and standing up for himself on the pitch.

We followed teams following the results on Saturday's and talked about them Monday's at school that means for me soccer reopening next weekend is a biggie so I'll be watching in my footie strip, jumping up and down.

The other thing was footie was in our comics of which a big one was Tiger cos it had Roy of the Rovers who has been rebooted for today's boys (and girls) in fiction and comic strip form.

Rebellion who have the rights to the Tiger era Roy of the Rovers have had a series of annual like compilations starting with the 1950's and getting into the 60's  that took whole stories that run across issues compiled.

This week we reach the 1970's kicking off with stories I remember as a boy back then in Junior School reading first time from June 16th through October 6th 1973, August 3rd through December 28 1974 and January 4th through June 21st 1975.

These are straight reproductions of the cartoon strips as published with little digital beaching so you will see some signs of a light brown cast from the paper and the colour where used  such as the front cover of that weeks issue as all colour comics were not a thing when I was reading them is muted.

It comes with an introduction from Barrie Tomlinson who joined the team behind Roy of the Rovers at that time as a sub editor talking about how they developed the stories such as it was during this era Roy became a Player-Manager which was a move mirrored in the real life game then.

The compilation is very well put together being well bound and so makes a lovely modern replacement for those comics we had back then.

Recommended for any schoolboy of that era.

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