Friday, June 26


Nostalgia. Don't you just love it, not that today can be exactly like yesterday but rather you carry chunks of it about with you and everything on today entry is connected somewhere down the line to it.
This, one of many compilation albums by the Beach Boys, a famous Californian group, was by design designed in 1974 to appeal to a sense of nostalgia for past times in the United States by invoking imagery from the 1960's and a set of songs that spanned 1962 through to 1965 while using their early 70's appearances as if to say "You can have past and we're still here".

In its original form it suffered from trying to make mono recording stereo and famously getting Help Me Rhonda confused with an earlier version but this lp recut in 2009 corrects that with better sound too. I got a new sealed copy cheap.

I remember buying the 1981 UK budget re-issue lp at the time so having it back in this form brings back memories for me when I first started regressing.

You all know I loved the Dandy and looked forward to the Summer Specials and this was one I had back in 1972 which I recently bought a new copy in pretty decent condition given we ready them cover to cover several times over that featured many of my favourite characters and cartoon strip series.
The essential Winker Watson featured wrangling out of things and as befitted that era Form Master Creepy had his cane out at Greytowers awaiting Boodle and in another strip no less than three canings are featured in one story!

That was so relatable to our generation.
Every year D C Thomson do a compilation of past strips from the Beano and Dandy and this one from 2007 was all from the 1970's where they like Tiger were essential boy comic reading.

Re-reading this brought back a lot of memories not least where they tied into the current affairs of the day such as space missions and the advent of Punk. 

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