Friday, July 3

The ASB in LB

As we are in another month there was one topic I did feel like talking about  this week on here as given it is 2020 you can forget about using Tumblr to even try it.
Some of us are LB but don't just wear short tails or "activewear" even if we may from time to time but instead return more to our schooldays often in eras where you didn't have home clothes  only the previous and worn version of your school ones.

The relationship between LB and ASB is one of the least talked about things in this life and I can remember one person at a certain place more or less imply ASB was just role playing being a schoolboy for the whole scene between ASB and disappointed teacher who is about to leave their mark of disapproval upon them.

It would be wrong to say a person could not and does not feel that is what they actually want and see being ASB as being.

Thing is, for some of us it does start with being LB, that's to say we are looking at things from a adult-but more child-like way being, letting out more of that child through play, reading, arts and crafts and so on.

Rather like the bio-boy, "school" starts from that point because we love to learn, to socialize, we like the structures to point that yes we may be prepared to accept the sanctions on our behaviour from our youth and we do love to wear uniform that takes us well out of our adult settings and roles.

Although people get rather hung up on words mentally at least we're in the mindset of that boy, the one you might of thought you left behind and so our actions flow from that in real time.

They and I are not looking for a Scripted reenactment of a scene because we want what will come from it but accept in our era when we cross lines perhaps like then without realizing until too late, the sanctions that are there to help us learn from it and to generally keep good order.

For us ASB is like going back in time to being that boy all over again and we like it that way.

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