Friday, July 31

Male relationships

Sometimes I do talk a little about other issues here and to me relationships and the things that go with them is worthy of consideration.

With many challenges in the world today, values it seems are a thing that do matter but we seem really reluctant to talk about.

For instance to get through the restrictions we are all facing present with Covid-19 we need to understand why they exist and to feel we can trust each other to keep to them, having a sense of responsibility toward one another.

For me and I suspect a good number of others these are things we started to learn about as boys in out homes, in school, in church or through things such as scouting.

We rely on each other and so we slowly but surely start to understand that we need to follow rules and when we agree to do something, that we must keep our Word and if we didn't we'd be at least spoken to quite firmly about it because it matters and as get older and so are expected to do more, more so.

One thing I do feel we need to talk about to is the love of each other - I don't mean romantic love - but the love between us that you may of had for a brother or your friends at school or in cubs.

It's not just that we say we care about them it is out actions in looking out for them, helping them as best we can according to our abilities, even just providing an understanding ear when they need it.

As Boys and Men, sometimes we fall short in showing that and sadly even in being able to accept the love others have for us.

Let's try to do our best.

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