Friday, July 24

Being out for the Summer

There would to me of been no point starting this blog at all if it had just been a place to put other peoples pictures and maybe the odd thought cos part of the reason this blog existed was a photography blog that got incorporated into this during the long gap between Friends Reunited being messed up and finding that has a new replacement spot now and Tumblr.

Equally there would be no life if it were just about buying and one hopes wearing uniform because I live this life and everything that is in it such as age regression aspects like plushies and play, uniform and play clothes together with hobbies and interests all wrap around each other.
I wear my uniform outside my house and do things in it such as explore, practising skills aligned to Scouting enjoying myself but more importantly developing as a person in that life through learning to handle experiences.

I from time to time take pictures that ties directly to the interest in photography I allude to earlier when talking about what had lead to this blog being formed although their are other blogs that specialize in certain areas.

Part of that stems from events at Tumblr and Wordpress both owned by the same company and so the family of blogs makes up for their loss and the continuing issues on Tumblr around what you can post.

Being out isn't just about being out of doors although to be truthful, it's been a godsend during this Covid-19 emergency it's also that Covid meant I had to be prepared to be seen out as many people from furloughed workers to boys whose schools were shut were now likely to encounter me.

I have become 'out', not a shut in behind the keyboard LB/ASB but one who is seen, who speaks to and is spoke to in his toned down uniform from talking with workers in the field, navigating social distancing on the curb, sometimes having to let other pass me to encountering boys (and girls) at play.

All of that makes this blog like the others so different from what you might see at other places.

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