Friday, February 19

A reading road map

While we all await the outcome of talk around how we leave this near enough eleven months and three weeks of Covid restrictions which *may* be in batches of actions based on risk, numbers of cases and so on on I'm more focussed around what from all this I'm taking with me.

For me it's the resumption of those things that helped me with the difficulties around the time I was officially a boy and that today is including reading such as the comics and magazines that not just stimulate my imagination but help by giving me something more suitable to be immersed in, less driven crazy by all the grown up talk around covid in much the same way the terrorism I lived through was made the more bearable for child-like fun in comics and the tv. 

Enid Blyton gets a bad rap with social progressives for every ism and phobia but back then her books provided much the same world we could inhabit escaping everything around us while touching on situations we could learn about learning resilience from. 

You do need older editions with her books as many have bowlderized and almost rewritten to appease people who want to make the world and even its past in their image so not a  few of mine are from the last century and not this.

In that leaving covid behind, books such of hers will be read and re-read because the message of this period  to me has been boyhood is the answer to what I need to enjoy my life and the things that made me happy then.

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