Friday, February 26

Sorting stuff out

 It's Friday, it's not yet 6 o' clock in the evening so no Crackerjack but today's blog is here.

This week I've been sorting through some things such as compact discs I no longer need as I have a fair number of classical ones that go back to when I first started collecting recordings in that form.

Apart from new recordings which I tend to read various online reviews of first before deciding if I need it or not, some older recordings do get repackaged into box sets either based on composer or a conductor's recordings for  particular company that typically take up less room.

It's sometimes the case with older recordings made on tape they may be newly transferred bringing about improvements in the sound quality compared to those early cd editions or have better packaging.

Thus earlier in the week I removed some duplicates to go to a Children's Charity where they can sell them and raise funds.

I went to get on my swing yesterday and after a few minutes I heard a Buzz above me.

It was Bumble Bee half asleep on the canopy just above me who didn't like having his sleep disturbed!

The other thing is I sorted out the transport to go to have my covid vaccination on Saturday as typically the only available slots don't tie in with public transport which as a non driving disabled person isn't very good so I had to book a cab.

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