Friday, March 19

Still 10 at 70

It's been an interesting week so far in for getting to understand more around what being me is all about and how that slots into my life.

That's what happens when you find a place that is just about people like you and people share experiences around how you feel about being that eternal child, what you love and how sometimes it can seem a bit lonely navigating that path between actual child and not being functionally grown up.

Not surprisingly the big thing at Chris's has been Beano 4077 which marks Dennis's birthday when 70 years ago this week he was born and like me remains 10 even if the world around him has changed to include smartphones and computers.

For this special edition there's a pull out double sided poster one of which has his family tree and three Dennis birthday story strips on top of an extra eight pages.

This is my new Dennis and Gnasher Fan Club wallet rather than the one I had back in the 1970's which is a little dog eared at the corners but in pretty good shape otherwise.
One difference is the membership card has a credit card style rather than being all paper being in these times as much as it of the the past.

Last Friday Crackerjack series 2 finished with a Golden Awards edition looking at the funniest bits of this last series, expressing the hope a third series in its current incarnation will be made soon .

It was side splitting hilarious then as boy and in its new form just the same  with the boys and girls having fun being on it and watching too.

The world around me may of changed but I and my interests  haven't.

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