Friday, March 12

Birthday Edition v1.2

Something happened on Saturday and it doesn't easily fit the blogging schedules but can anyone guess what it might be?

Hmm thanks to that nasty virus this year unlike last year by a hairs breath organized events of the sort that normally would mark birthdays are out as much as I'd just love to have a party or even a birthday meal out.

You might recall something came at Christmas back into my life but this year the main present is even closer to home.

This is a original 1970's Action Man of the sort I actually had unlike the new ones you can buy from places like Amazon and when they are re-opened toy shops.

The moulds and construction is more flexible in the original which as boys when we posed them in the imaginary play we had was useful for more realism compared to the newer one.

Then there's the plastic used is of a higher standard which distinguished him from the more generic boys soldier figures of the seventies. 

The Achilles heal of the original unlike those from even the late 80's and 90's is the hands that were rubberized, prone to perishing or breaking off and on this one the hands have been carefully replaced as part of the restoration by new ones.

Toys are meant to played with so for me it's a must that you have functioning hands rather than the collector only original parts mentality, the badge is a replica and the scarf is handknitted  but all else is original as Palitoy supplied it.

Also I got a 1993 figure dressed as a Snowboarder with seven accessories apart from a original Rocket Launcher.

Having back something whose removal including a massive collection of accessories was a long running sore given it was played with at the time is just great.

Although we don't generally talk about music much on this blog compared with the originals I had two whole series of cds, the first of which was by the composer Prokofiev.

The set were a complete set of Violin Sonatas by Beethoven that although they'd come out in 2014 I had missed out upon

I had some money from relatives for when the shops finally reopen and some knitted bedsocks from an elderly neighbour to whom I'm a bit of an acquired grandson in his grey shorts which is an indication of the extent to which the eternal boy I am is increasingly accepted.

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