Friday, July 2

Sunflowers and stuff

 This week was a bit better than last, thanks.

This Sunflower is something I've been nurturing ever the last few weeks, sat in my front room window, being well looked after while I've been out taking pictures for the "Scouting and Me" blog, not always being helped by showers and the like.

It does just how good the all in one Zoom lenses compact cameras such as my Sony are when it comes to sharpness aided by many internal corrective elements compared to the 28-200mm zoom lenses of the late 80's and 90's many a photographic dealer offered to people just wanting the 'one' lens for taking say holiday snaps with back then.

I've also been remaking a few tapes which my dad found of mine on Father's Day but sadly had been stored in his shed which when looking why there was such strong mildewish smell I unscrewed them I saw small patches of dry  dusty mould on the tape packs inside the shell.

Fortunately everything was from sources I still have rather than it being say voices of people from the past which may of meant finding a 'sacrificial lamb' of a tape player to copy it to a new tape and then laboriously cleaning the entire tape path and tray with IPA to kill any mould spoors off before they infected any other tapes played on the equipment.

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