Friday, August 6

Deja Vu and reset IV


The last time we visited this mini series of entries was in November of 2020 just as we were coming out of the second lockdown because lockdown had brought to a head a number of things around being age dysphoric when you are involuntarily a child regardless of your bone age and the struggles of trying to cope with everything.

I found I needed to have things to look forward to as bad as the pandemic turned out to of  had affected my outlook and general mental well-being and that meant I needed things that took me out of it, that engaged with my interests but at a more mental age level and so it was I had comics and magazines that arrived regardless just like I did as a child.

Unlike then even getting to and finding a newsagent that stocked them was difficult with restrictions on the buses and some shop only having limited stock.

When I was away, one of my comics, The Beano arrived and upon my return I noticed the envelope  was a good deal thicker than usual.

Opening it I found this.

It was described as being a "free complementary copy" of a new magazine by the same publisher in association with the Animal Planet tv channel which seems to be aimed more for 8 1/2 to 13 year olds filling the gap between the younger animal interest magazines and grown up titles.

Reading it, it soon showed interest for having good easy for me to read articles about animals and the natural environment full of facts and figures, not just pictures a few words and kewl emocions but having some rigour about it.

Actually a number of schools are using it as a resource and it is liked by educators.

I was very impressed by it and what is more you did have the option of having a gift free offer for a bit less bypassing the craze at the moment for cover mounts although Animal Planet say theirs are recyclable.

I just don't feel they should be there on unless it's something of use use like a bird spotting guide 

As the covermount free edition could be had on a direct debit thing (you pay a fixed amount per month from your bank) for £34.99 delivered for one issue every four weeks it's not just cheaper than the shop edition, but very good value for money, I've placed an order.

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