Friday, August 13

The Evolving Tumblr II

 I last write about this topic in June of this year after the kerfuffle around one individuals antics and how one group of people tried to shut down an account making patently false allegations alleging a connection.

The problem on the account to which the successor to TSB went to was that quite simply through a series of actions over the years by Tumblr, it had no Primary account only secondaries and permissions were limited up to and including the inability to delete the entire account.

What I have decided to do is to totally remake that blog  titled Smol Forever 10 to the following url pasttimesforever10 which is going to take some time I suspect up to October because Tumblr being Tumblr does not have the tools that other blogging type sites have where you just export and import all your posts in a jiffy.

Instead you laboriously have to copy over all your old posts reblogging from sources any reblogs you had which takes time.

The Tumblr will be unrepentantly very much boys centred as was the original cos frankly I'm not into girlish stuff and child friendly in accordance with that of era I was younger in with nothing that would not of been acceptable in comics, magazines and tv for a younger audience back then because I remain very much one.

It's also the case some sources I may reblog from may well have modern day bio-kids following to and it just would not be right for them to follow a link back to somewhere that wasn't okay for them either although it doesn't belong to any age regression community unlike my others.

While it will reference things such as school uniform, it's not going to be uniform based blog partially cos there's a finite number of images around and also cos while I dress all the time as a boy, being one is about more the life and interests you have as that boy than just attire.

To me this thing was always about that life never anything else and that's why as the weeks go by the remade tumblr will be the way that it is.

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