Friday, October 22

Questions and answers

The latter half of this week hasn't really been a great one for being out, just grabbing the odd opportunity as it presented itself between the dark clouds and rain so I've been rather more busy with reading comics and working on a new project.

This week we'll have a question and answer session.

Has Christopher got a music collection?

Yes. He has  a good number of Compact Discs and long playing records plus his singles from boyhood.

Has Christopher got a toy?
Yes. He has a few Action Men who are his favourite closely followed by his lego sets.

Does Christopher have a car?
No. Due to his disabilities he cannot drive a car, he can only drive you round the bend!

Is Christopher disabled?
Yes. It is part of what him who he is.

What does Christopher wear?
Christopher wears traditional boys clothing such as grey short short trousers, long turn over socks and dress shirts. 

He wears T shirts for playwear together old school pe shorts and ankle socks and owns a football kit.

What was Christopher's boyhood dream?
To be taken out in the Pink Panther's stretch limo.

What stamp did Christopher most look forward to in 1977?
The Twenty-fifth anniversary issues for Queen Elizabeth II. 

What is Christopher's biggest influence on how to live?
The teachings of Baden Powell, Scouting and his Christian Science faith.

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