Friday, October 15


This week I had reason to review on of the blogs simply because it is the time of year I'd look at what really what it was about and the importance to me personally, a whole batch of posts that covered what it was I'd gained over a period.

It also has been a week where on a failed Tumblr replacement service I saw for the first time in a good while some of those landmark early deeply personal posts as I began the emotionally painful process of taking stock of who I was and where boyhood was within it that were lost in last Aprils battle on Tumblr.

That was the start point of my recovery, finding and reconnecting with where that was last parked, picking up that sense of adventure, the love of discovery and the outdoors seeing it as my playground growing as that boy.

It was so appropriate then it was also the week my brand new white lined grey school shorts arrived having been commissioned back in May as David Luke no longer as a matter of course supply them with white linings, only black.

Being sat here on the floor crossed legged in my grey shorts just feels right because the thing we learned in that time from the original ASB and that first Tumblr account the only thing I was were just him.

A little boy who wears shorts all year round of the brevity when I was in Junior School who is happy with that status, playing, scouting and having fun. 

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