Friday, October 8

Actually being smol together


As I lie here typing this out, I'm thinking over a few things I read at the Reddit I mentioned on the other blog and what could be described as role playing within a thread.

What this thread was about were chat rooms often used by gaming people and also age regressors  amongst others for in real time conversation around various things between people who do know at least of each other.

I must say on the outset I generally don't do them as most of people involved are in the Americas and the time zone difference for something that doesn't get going until at least mid afternoon over there is such I'd be in bed or heading there in UK time having been up from around seven PM UK time which is a good while.

The essence of this persons comment was because there's not a good popular age dysphoric one they'd used a an age regression one only to find much of the conversation to be around school and work with little about and involving play which it was they were looking for.

I kind of get that, actually it's a pet peeve of mine from experiences that while you understand that to do things like get a meal organized and that if you're physically staying together matters, all too often play doesn't seem to break out even afterwards.

People might be offloading their frustrations but really they're not letting out the little boy or girl in them and they felt they could not "play" with others or talk about their special interests .

They had tried to find one which did but that one didn't have anyone interested in things like colouring or watching cartoons such as Paw Patrol seeing to deal with more older boy/girl regression.

I get that frustration as when I'm not out say walking or visiting places I too like to play things more aimed at younger children not least as role playing games are too taxing given my memory and related learning disabilities.

Is it beyond of the remit of people to fix this?

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