Friday, October 1

The restored tumblr going forward

It's a new month starting from today and it is clear as I type this we are in Autumn as it felt damp and a bit cooler when I went out this morning , actually light drizzle at times, requiring a jacket and woolly hat on for a stroll out.

I mentioned a couple of  months back the work I was doing in transferring the one blog that remained after the events of late May which while going back to October of 2020 itself was a mixture of the more past childhood and related posts of other 'lost' accounts and some of the commentary the original tumblrs had.

Well that task was completed very much on time as laborious and painfully slow as it was between bouts of ill health and now does appear to be picking some new following as some of the issues were to do with their interests.

One of things that kept me going was seeing some of the kinds of Tumblrs that I loved come on such as BoyWithDragon and especially 12thbirthday because they are more the kind of Tumblr I always wanted.

Tumblrs that are very much boys own tumblrs that mix in age regression and being age dysphoric to about how we present and live as boys playing on the floor in short trousers, following our special interests more as eternal boys.

Blogs that do feature a small number of pictures about and from traditional boyhood but not going down a more "adult content" take on being that boy where pictures are indicative of the boyhoods we knew and are recreating in the here and now and are not fetish or in any way kink related.

Blogs that honour our eternal boy selves in other words.

That going forward is where this recreated one is headed for now.

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