Friday, January 21

G is for Garters

 Bit of short post this week not being helped by being quite ill here but here goes.

Socks are a thing we are very familiar with and generally we wear long socks, traditionally with turn over tops with our short trousers but as most of us can recall one common problem tended to be that some socks seem to slide down very quickly.

Because generally it is held we should look smart and presentable at all times, most of us got told to "pull your socks up" literally a good number at times at school and other similar setting with standards.

Quite why some socks seem to stay up well for long and others do not isn't something I have cracked although it may be connected with the tightness of the sock weave and material.

In girls socks today the use of lycra in the elastic tends to work well in keeping them up.

Boys usually rely upon sock garters to hold them up that usually come in two forms, this which tended to be more common  is more like an adjustable elasticated band that once tightened and locked can be slide over the sock and is then covered by the turn over top of your socks.

The other is more familiar to us in traditional wolf cubs/cubs is a piece of elastic sowed together that holds the decorative sashs as here typically green which peep out of the turned over portion outwards.

Garters do play important part within boys and adult school boys lives, are items that are checked upon in certain contexts and are a part of our presentation.

Picture credits: Albert Prendergast Ltd of Derbyshire.

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