Friday, March 11

Birthday and moving on

It's been a different week for reasons that would be obvious to anyone following the other blog and yet elements tie into things that have been a common theme.

Birthday was marked with presents including some cds, a couple of blu rays and books and I went out to  lunch on Tuesday pretty much as little me but toned done a little in a bit longer than usual grey shorts and argyle long socks but nonetheless a grey jumper, white shirt and off white and blue tie.

I had Cod, green garden peas and chips with the cod being in batter and a glass of orange which as the initiated know is normal given I don't do alcohol and am trying to drop off tea consumption.

You could say it was a fairly modern era boys birthday minus any kind of special venue but then covid did put pay to that for a good many in last two years too.

I've always liked animation and cartoons, buying certainly from the last years of the early two thousands a number of complete anime series of the shirt that tend to have twenty minute or so episodes.

There have been a number of streaming sites in existence for as long as the modern internet has been around, some authorized by the anime studio rights holders others not which can be useful for either trying out a series before buying or in some instances the commercial and geo-politics of licensing mean a physical release just isn't going to happen.

I have an account with one completely legal US based one which sometimes has problems around showing animes in a few territories since around two thousand and nine which was pretty handy and to which I actually have a annual membership of.

Rather like a few other places I joined in this era bits around my profile were muddled so recently I decided to renew chunks rather than starting entirely from scratch cos in fourteen odd years a lot does happen in peoples lives and it was obvious those people I had associated more with in its forum and clubs had moved on in life and so were not in any way active.

I also resumed watching the short animated feature Chi's Sweet Home which has episodes around the three to four minute part featuring the really cute and sweet cat.

It just felt right now my preference of profile description and avatar, confident in me.

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