Friday, August 12

Thoughts upon the death of Raymond Biggs


Goodness it's jam hot already so we've been on the soft drinks and ice creams trying to stay cool and as staying in the shade is a must I had been doing some reading.

A couple of days ago, it was announced that Raymond Briggs, a towering stroy writer and illustrator of the 1970's and 80's had died.

Raymond didn't, couldn't write soppy happy ending stories but more gritter ones that although he wrote for all children had a lot of Boys Own appeal such as Fungus the Bogeyman, a tale of working class bogeymen with slime appeal.

One that I feel is magical is The Snowman which was turned into a animated cartoon in 1982

James plays out in the snow, building a snowman who comes to life.

The Snowman and James become friends and James is taken on a majestic tour to see his world full of wonderment.

They return and the next day James sees the snowman has melted and so grieves for him.

It is one of the most touching animated films ever aided by a voiceless soundtrack with orchestral playing by the Sonfonia of London and the haunting song Walkin In The Air as James floats effortless with the snowman.

Writing this was quite emotional so rest in peace Raymond.

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