Friday, April 14

Getting ready to go


I'm actually a bit busy today because I'm going away for the weekend, which as seasoned followers of the blog will be aware is especially in view of events this year is something I badly need to be doing, getting out these four walls.

It's an organized littles event, sort of seasonal but one the host hasn't run before with sports, crafts, a party with party food and a going away event.

I can't say I did will with archery with my hand issues and general lack of muscle strength but I did all right with the egg and spoon race.

That was one of the inside decorations liberally dotted about where I stayed.

When I say littles event, I do mean not just an event where you dress in a more younger way like for instance I tend to wear more school uniform of my own era which is great to with others, it is that we are operating from a more junior more "like a child" mindset as we interact with each other.

Having that time to pass all that has happened and just play is just so what I need right now.

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