Friday, June 9

Content making and Forum business


There are a number of things I do wish to talk about here this week.

Probably the first is that the Chromebook I bought was better specified than expected having a glossy screen more like a tv's and that it was the dear version that supports the use of a stylus for or other writing directly the screen applications.

The other thing really concerns our forum and that is handling different views is really one of the ways you can tell a good forum than one that's not because avoiding politics there are things we as individuals have our own strong views over.

They can include the differences around role playing and age regression/dysphoria which may show in terms of the kinds of activity people may seek out from others be it play or over any kind of sanctions for transgressing  boundaries while doing it.

Some may be looking for those sanctions in a preordained storyline, while others prefer them in the background coming in when they've crossed a line.

Another is given we are talking about adult boys mainly body hair especially on the legs where some people prefer to remove that thing we noticed sprouting in our mid teens feeling perhaps it makes feel unconfortable in our skins as in may ways still little boys - I have strong dysphoric reactions to it personally - while others feel little or no need to remove it.

To me a bad forum pushes a "group thought", making those who may feel different unable to take part and not having their personal feelings respected with little or no honest debate.

We don't. 

There may be as in a good many things in life a common view, a consensus, among most of us but difference is respected and ideas explored because through that everybody learns about the variety of views and why they feel the way the do themselves.

Personally I feel it is important to know why you feel the way you do (and why someone else may not).

Anybody who may take a minority view is always welcome and ought not to feel they need to leave over what is at the end of the day, a personal opinion of little consequence to others.

And before I go I would strongly prefer people to use avatars as there are a few of you out there who haven't uploaded one. 

It obviously needs to be Safe for work, but please do so.

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