Friday, September 15

Thoughts and recollections of Autumn term

At least it has actually cooled down this week although with heavy rain apart from maigraine issues I didn't get out as much as much as I wished unfortunately so there's been a bit more washing as I don't know about you but I don't like damp feeling stuff next to my body.

There's been the usual fuss around school uniform, for instance a 12 year old at Acedemy in this district was put in detention for turning up in tailored school shorts but told "he" could wear a skirt instead if he was hot as that was "uniform".

Yes in otherwords it's okay to wear something associated with the other sexes uniform than something linked to your own sex!

At least on this estate for infants and juniors we're not that stupid and actually I have seen more boys in proper school shorts, admittedly longer than those I current have on reflecting the length I wore when I attended the same school but at least they're wearing them.

Perhaps someone has realized it's cheaper to put plasters on knees than try to patch up longs damaged in a game of footy at recess or missing aim when playing scraping knee against tarmac and anyway isn't it better for them to be active playing anyway?

I've enjoyed the Now Yearbook 1973 - a feature was on Monday's "other" blog - taking me back to that time where we were at the old Victorian building for the last full academic year September 1973 through to July of 1974 when we moved into the Twentieth century with a new building with much more modern facilities like a kitchen!

It was the last Autumn of the curse of the bell tower wasps as running low on sugar they'd come out after us and our snacks usually in the infant playground where I'd help out with playground activities for the younger school members.

We left the wasps behind upon moving thank goodness.

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