Friday, November 24

400th post

 Yes that number does just happen to be quite true on this blog as we have indeed reached the 400th post.

The blog apparently started in 2008 which seems a good many years ago being based around photography into which we moved into other areas over the years just a couple of years after being on Friends Reunited when I was looking for a digital replacement for a note pad that in an increasingly internet based world I could post a link to.

Friends Reunited after being messed about came to an end and with it my involvement with any kind of social media as a site that dealt with connections from school and college worked better for me for having spaces to talk about those times.

That was it until I came to Tumblr in April of 2018 where I found people who were into past boyhoods and even as I did as reticent as I was about posting all over the place about it, actually feeling and acting more as that very much schoolboy like figure.

There were a couple of other places like and the short trousers for schoolboys Misterpoll poll where I talked a fair bit about it before venturing forth with a one of kind forum I set up just for good natured past and present schoolboy chat and reminiences with nothing that is seen as adult content on them.

As issues upon issues abounded on Tumblr, the Misterpoll poll with topics had its own one off problems and people got despersed, we took off, even meeting up.

I found over covid I could just be little boy me and even be accepted for it in the community, others found their ways of doing this which in turn inspired others to give it a go.

From that small acorn in 2008 a grew little tree grew where people could just be their little selves.

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