Friday, November 17


Well this week we're one off the "big one" being typed on Thursday with temperatures around 4.5 degrees c with some wind chill having been out in my short trousers and dufflecoat this morning to the local store.

Just being out like that bring back so much the memories of being out to play or if like this morning going to school which needless to say I actually past mine enroute as the sounds, smells and sights bring it all back.

One thing that also brings back memories are books and while this blog is less an article on a book or series never mind that of any other material item you'd care to mention, this kind of book does bring back memories as not only would of borrowed it but building a music library was a part of my boyhood experiences.

Doing something like that involved doing some research into composers I did enjoy so you'd borrow recording or listen to them on the radio, and then look at books such as that for a good recording at a price I could afford.

Being a boy and not really able do many odd jobs for money given my disabilities meant more reliance of your pocket money, learn to spot the bargains.

To get a copy of such a book isn't just useful from the point of view of rebuilding a bit of the collection where because of only fairly small scale issue of new classical records you may need to look at older used copies but actually reminds you of when you got some of the others.

Some of the skills I learned while doing that stood me in good stead in world of adult work.

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