Friday, November 10

A penny for the guy

There's a few things going on here such as sorting bits of the old record collection out but that does rather take me back to the period where just a week or so before we'd be doing other things.

I can't speak for anyone else but in this district we always made a guy up from bits of wood, straw and old clothes and go calling "Penny for the guy?" although in that era we'd be hoping for rather more than literally a penny given the crazy inflation we lived through back then.

You'd get all sorts of reactions from "what are those meddling kids up to?" to those who appreciated the effort we put into it and would gives us money rather than threatening to call the police on us, not that later on we realized we were doing nothing illegal.

You still see some about but between concerns about stranger danger and changing times it's nothing compared to how it was when I were a lad.

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