Friday, February 2

Inspiration along the way

Just working on this while spinning a record 

Well it is a fresh month which brings with it fresh challenges and experiences such as being away late  next week where there will tea parties, games and catching up with things from late last year if we're not defeated by the weather.

It may well be more like that if some of the forecasters are right but so long as trains run you can always find ways of having fun even in snow.

The week end leads into the first anniversary of Mum's death last year and all the changes that have come with it and I'm bound to add challenges too but Winnie is onto something with some great advice as we can't bend the day ahead or change how the day before was  but we can find what is good in the space between.

1 comment:

  1. I can change the fallout and legacy of yesterday, and should, as its legacy means there is no enjoyment in being present today in an accepting way.
