Friday, February 9

The off edition

 I'm getting ready to go away for a few days so apart from the usual thing around packing ones bags, check lists, take outs as you find there's no room for some cherished thing and sorting one's transport out there's the stuff you don't see.

That includes taking care of the blogs while I'm away by setting up posts to auto publish although they might be a odd gap around Wednesday before picking up from where I left things.

It'll be a very little affair although there's a few things I'm doing which require a bit of responsibility on my part like a quiz and the odd chore that makes all of this possible.

It's been ages since I had a table light like this and to be honest I'd just love one.

Before I forget it was announced earlier in the week we lost the actor Ian Lavender who was born in south Birmingham aged 77.

He stared in many shows and tv series most notably in the WW2 "home guard" situation comedy Dad's Army as Private Pike, the young and at times immature member of the platoon we all loved watching as boys.

Toodle pips.

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